Year Four Strategic Plan Summary
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President's Office
Approximately 56% of the projects in the year four plan have been completed.
Academic Innovation
Note: Any objective below without corresponding metrics indicates areas where work is ongoing, and no metric updates are available now.
Objective #1: Align Program and Curriculum to Labor Market Data and their identified skill sets.
Objective #2: Develop a plan that outlines the processes and systems needed to support an adult learner model.
Enrollment 25+
Successful Course Completion Rates 25+
Retention 25+
Persistence 25+
Objective #3: Develop a more consistent, robust online learning experience for our students.
Successful Course Completion Rates for Online
Student Overall Averages
Organizational Excellence
Objective #1: Align our IT operational systems to reduce risk and meet the strategic needs of the college.
Decreased the number of programs from 180 to 173.
Objective #2: Create a more productive and supportive working environment for our employees.
Created 25+ standard operating procedures for our most commonly used procedures and included them in PolicyStat.
Objective #3: Align college resources to our strategic priorities.
Percentage and amount of funds tied to strategic initiatives: 93.34%, $1,402,216.00.
Objective #1: Implement a recruitment strategy to increase the application rates, hiring, and success of minority candidates within the college.
Objective #2: Increase the success rates of all of our students in all Gateway Courses with particular attention to BIPOC and LatinX students.
Successful Gateway Course Completion
Fall 2022 Successful Gateway Course Completion
LatinX: 46%
African American: 40%
Objective #3: Develop and launch a professional development plan centered around equitable pedagogy and high-impact practices.
Created new professional development programming:
Artificial Intelligence, Trauma Informed Practices, Microaggressions
Objective #1: Increase strategic partnerships with each of our campus locations.
Created 11 new partnerships within our campus communities
Attleboro - 3
New Bedford - 2
Taunton - 6
Increased overall campus enrollments
Attleboro - 147 students, 35% increase
New Bedford - 340 students, 70% increase
Taunton - 130 students, 10% increase
Objective #2: Develop a plan that supports the growth and success of our College Access Program.
Early College Student Success Rates
Objective #3: Increase alumni engagement.
Alumni Donations
Metric | FY22 | FY23 | FY24 |
Alumni Engaged | 182 | 200 | 179 |
# of Gifts | 868 | 877 | 840 |
Amount Donated | $33,093.02 | $51,082.70 | $48,086.08 |