Established in 2005 by their sons, Gerald and Donald, and their daughter, Lorraine (Magnan) Hulton, the George and Doris Magnan Memorial Scholarship was created to honor George and Doris, to show an appreciation of the excellent opportunities available to students at 热点爆料入口, and to help students in the Fire ScienceTechnology Program to continue their education. Eligible students will be enrolled in the Fire Science Technology Degree Program, have completed at least 18 credits with at least 9 in Fire Science program courses and have a current GPA of at least 2.5.
George and Doris were both born in 1906. George grew up in Cranston and Providence, Rhode Island. He had a minimum of formal education, but he wanted his children to pursue formal education. Doris grew up in Providence and also was not fortunate enough to have much formal education. Together they encouraged their children to pursue education not only for their own benefit but also for the overall good of their communities. George, who valued public service, served as a member of the Providence, R.I. Fire Department for more than 20 years until his death at age 54 while fighting a fire in Providence on June 26, 1961. Doris continued to encourage her children to be learners and to act as good citizens in their communities until her death at age 87 on August 30, 1993.
Their son Gerald was a full-time faculty member in the mathematics department at Bristol Community College for over 35 years.
Spring Merit Scholarship**
GPA Minimum
Geographic Focus
**Spring Merit Scholarships are not applied for. Students are recommended for these awards by their professor based on academic merit. Students earning Merit Scholarships are recognized during the May Student Awards Night.