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Mission Statement 

The mission of Bristol’s Employee Resource Group (ERG) is to foster networking, professional development, mentoring, and leadership opportunities with a focus on the recruitment, retention, learning, and advancement of employees of color at Èȵ㱬ÁÏÈë¿Ú. 


  • Participate in the development of a diverse, pluralistic, and international community.
  • Facilitate networking and career development opportunities by connecting members with similar professional and personal interests by developing and encouraging a supportive network of employees of color at Bristol. 
  • Facilitate informal mentoring opportunities by providing guidance, advice, and training as well as sharing the work being done throughout the college community.  
  • Ensure that information about members’ achievements is effectively promoted. 
  • Foster awareness of issues in the community by providing information to the college about the historical and present contributions of Black people to American culture and society. 
  • Reinforce worker equity for all employees of color at the college. 
  • Support the dignity of each member’s professional and working careers, giving assistance in the areas of promotion, tenure, upward mobility, academic success, and fair treatment.

Social Justice Forums

Throughout the 2020 Summer and Fall Semesters, Multicultural Affairs facilitated a series of Social Justice Forums. See the Social Justice Forums page for recaps on these powerful events.