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President's Office
Collaborate with educational institutions, alumni, industry and community partners to increase educational attainment and support the talent pipeline to enhance opportunities in the region.
This strategy will be an integral part of ensuring both credit and non-credit program growth at the college. Our data show that working with area employers to provide necessary training enhances student competitiveness and is instrumental in ensuring economic growth in the region. These partnerships provide valuable information that will allow Bristol to strengthen our programs and create richer learning opportunities for our students.
Working with our area high schools and middle schools will allow us to provide students with more pathways to college and data about job growth and opportunities available to them. Bristol will serve an important role in closing the gaps that exist among workforce training, key soft-skills training and college readiness by increasing the desire of our area high school students to achieve a higher education and to become an integral part of the talent pipeline that will feed our region for years to come.
Partnerships Action Plan
Action Items:
- Develop a plan that identifies the top strategic partners with purpose, goals and key players involved in the development process.
- Increase enrollment activities at each campus focused on the area high schools to target those students interested in attending community college.
- Develop partnerships with area high school CTE programs, early college, etc. - work in conjunction with partners to identify high enrolled programs and develop our course scheduling and programming to better support their students.
- Increase the number of community events being held at each campus to increase brand recognition, foot traffic and revenue for each location.
- Identify opportunities to increasing revenue beyond normal campus operations.
- Develop a partnership onboarding tool designed to identify partner needs and ensure a smooth hand-off and transition among Bristol departments. Tool should identify contacts and follow-up protocols, etc. - could potentially use dynamic forms for this.
- Increase partnerships with community organizations focused on adult learners.
Action Items:
- Identify clear pathways that align with the DESI and DHE goals while preparing students for career paths in growing professions (cyber security, medical, STEM, etc.)
- Identify a model that includes comprehensive wrap around services for students such as embedded tutors, career exploration, college planning, etc.
- Review the existing onboarding packet and MOU's that exist used to develop partnership agreements (ensure that all expectations are clearly outlined, due dates, student preparedness, etc.)
- Review the existing infrastructure of the existing early college team to ensure adequate resource allocation is commensurate with # of students being serviced.
- Review the enrollment process and data collection methods being used to accurately track and report on each of our early college programs.
- Do an analysis of the success rates of our dual enrollment/early college students by program and partner.
- Review policies regarding dual enrollment students (pass/fail requirements, communication policy with students, acknowledgement of expectations, etc.)
Action Items:
- Develop a searchable database of alumni by certificate/degree program.
- Identify a classification system of attributes among alumni for easy identification and more targeted engagement opportunities (influencer, donor, on campus engagement, etc.)
- Increase the number of alumni who currently serve as advisory board members.
- Develop an annual communication plan to engage our alumni (newsletters, social media presence and events).
View the relevant dashboard from Strategic Analytics below.